My Story
Hi there tea lover! I'm Denise, the owner of High Tea with Harriet. And here is my story.
Tea has always been a constant in my life, and I have enjoyed it as a child and an adult. Growing up, there was not problem, big or small, that could not be helped by putting the kettle on. My Dad always tells the story of my Nan during the Blitz during WW2. The air raid sirens would be going off, and people running everywhere. And there would be my Nan, patiently making a pot of tea to take down into the air raid shelter! I am pretty sure that's where my tea obsession came from!
The experience of cup of tea has always meant much more than just the tea itself. Physically it brings comfort, warmth and pleasure. But it also brings a sense of calm and balance to my life, and opens up opportunities for me to share and connect with others .
Most of my professional life has been spent in the health industry. My career has encompassed roles in both nursing & training. The importance of maintaining a person’s health and wellbeing has been prominent throughout and of course, drinking tea has numerous health benefits. I started my tea business as a hobby - a market stall called 'Crazy Tea Lady'. In 2019, I was provided with the opportunity to become Harriet's owner. And so, off I went to Melbourne, packed her up (and let me tell you, she is not a girl who travels lightly!), and brought her here to Perth. After this, I changed my name to HTWH and tea is became my full time job. But underneath, I am still the Crazy Tea Lady! Besides the fact that I get to have as many cups of tea as I like in a day, I love sharing my passion with everyone. And I get to do this with two of my favourites - Geoff the Chief Tea Packer and the Office Manger Tully the Border Collie.
As a person and a small business owner, I want to make a difference in the world. That is why my purpose is much more than to just 'sell tea'. I want to help make the world a more comforting place by providing you with a chance to pause and reconnect. I believe that mindful tea drinking is a ritual that encompasses daily care for the self, each other, and the world. Which is why my range only includes high quality, ethically sourced loose leaf teas, that are not massed produced.I guess I am what you would call a 'fussy tea drinker'(FTD). I cringe at the thought of a teabag in a cup of hot water. Whether I am grabbing a quick cup at work, or luxuriating in my Sunday morning pot, I want it to be an exceptional cup of tea.
If you are a FTD like me, then I would be proud to share with you my range of utterly delicious and award winning blends.
And if you are a fellow small business owner who wants to give their customers and exceptional and different tea experience, I would love to hear from you. Click here to enquire about a wholesale account.
Any questions? Please email me and we can chat about my favourite subject - tea!